Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 1429
Annual Return Start: 01 Jul 2020
Annual Return End: 30 Jun 2021
Date Received: 27 Aug 2021
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M2.2 Non-compliance due to misunderstanding following LVA for air monitoring points. Periodic Emissions Testing contractor sampled the points 8 & 12 instead of points 7 & 11 as specified by the licence on boilers 1 and 3. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 2
L1.1 Unlicenced discharge due to extreme weather event from the coal fines and sewage treatment systems Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
L3.7 Exceedence of TSS concentration limit at points 23 and 24 as a result of emergency discharges induced by an east coast low event Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
L3.7 Exceedence of iron concentration limits at Monitoring Point 21 Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1